This Week at Bethel MOM’s: Tea Time with Candice

This week we will have the wonderful Candice in to talk all about tea! YUM! Candice is a S.a.H.M. with a few of her own businesses, and being a Steeped Tea Consultant is one of them.

This crafty lady will introduce you to different types of teas, steeping that perfect cup, the benefits of drinking tea and interesting things you can do with your tea!

Oh! and some of them are kid friendly! Tea time is always better when everyone can join in. How awesome is that!

It gets better, trust me! If there is a tea that you like and would like to purchase, all proceeds from Thursday will go to MCC Global Family.

Tasty warm bevy’s, good peeps and a good cause. Can’t get any better than that!

Here is a link to the catalogue.


Some Shameless Self Promotions. (because word of mouth goes further and it’s free)

Annemarie is looking to take on clients this year for her pregnancy/birth doula business Small is Fabulous. Have a little one on the way or know someone who does. She will hold your hand, enforce your birth plan, and explain the big words to your foggy prego brain. Annemarie’s your person.

My Husband Greg is back at it again this year. Tax time is upon us. Ugh. If you hate doing your taxes, or like me find dealing with the government intimidating he would love to talk to you. It’s affordable, and he does small business taxes as well. Sven can’t help but Greg can!

If you attended Tribal Bellydance with Erinne this past month and want to give it a try she has drop in classes Thursday nights at the Artlington Gallery.

Have a question, comment, link or a shameless self promotion, email or talk to a committee member


This Week at Bethel MOM’s: Intimacy 2.0

IMG_3144As women we are either embarrassed or don’t have a safe place to talk about intimacy in our lives. This week we are giving you the opportunity to discuss whatever your heart desires, and what better day than Valentine’s Day?

Couple of Housekeeping Items:

Also On Feb 23rd is Kinderschule’s 25th Anniversary is happening. Free admission, bouncy castle, kids activities and coffee from 3-5 at the German Society of Winnipeg.

Just to put the bug in your ear.  Want to help out at MOM’s? We would love it if you joined the committee, you can talk to anyone of us on the committee.

Here is the survey. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Thinking About: Our Upcoming Session

Our session coming up on Thursday is called Intimacy 2.0. Interestingly, this past week I read a series of posts on virginity and purity culture, and the damage it has or hasn’t caused for Christian marrieds and singles. I’m not suggesting that this should be the focus of our discussion, but I wanted to pass on this link roundup to the posts in case you’re interested in reading them. I found them particularly interesting in the context of explaining purity to my daughter when she gets older.

What do you think? (We’re only four comments away from comment #300 – I think I’m going to find a prize for that lucky commenter. Hmm…)

Have a lovely weekend!


Welcome little one

Rebecca had her baby! Yeah!

It was much later than anticipated but on Sunday a beautiful baby boy was born. His name is Abram Kooper came into this world at a whopping 9 lbs 5 oz, and was 22 3/4 in long.

This week at Bethel MOM’s: Speed Dating

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, We, the Committee thought that it would be a great idea for all of us to get to know one another. What better way to do that, then by speed dating? It will be fun and it gives us all an opportunity to step outside our comfort zones (says this introvert).

Want to be organized? Bring a couple of questions you want to ask. Remember you’ve got a minute to find things out about the other person.


Couple housekeeping notes:

  • We don’t have to any shoulder tapping. YEAH! Forgot when you signed up? Click HERE to find out.
  • Next week is our Intimacy Discussion 2.0. There will be a “Suggestion Box” set out so you can anonymously ask a question or bring up a discussion topic.

Friday Links

I will admit I don’t have anything on great parenting advise. I have plenty of links pinned on Pinterest and Lindsay (You remember Lindsay? Past chair? She hasn’t been gone that long.) posts awesome articles on her Facebook, but nothing I feel like sharing right now. With the cold weather I thought I would share a couple of fun links.

The first one makes me giggle, Why having a Toddler is like living in Poltergeist. It is so true.

This next one is really sweet and hails from our very own little city. It has puppies, très adorable.

This next one shows you how NOT to save a few minutes in the morning while doing your daughter’s hair, or maybe it’s brilliant. You be the judge.

Lastly is a heartwarming story of a lost pet. A long-lost and forgotten pet actually.

I hope you enjoyed a laugh or two. You deserve it!

